Reading Well for Health and Wellbeing

The Reading Well programme helps people understand and manage their health and wellbeing using helpful reading. The books are chosen and recommended by health experts, in consultation with people living with the conditions covered and their relatives and carers. There are separate collections for Adults, Children, and Young adults.

Reading Well for Children

One in eight (12.8%) 5 to 19-year-olds had at least one mental health condition when assessed in 2017.

Almost two thirds (60%) of children aged 8-11 say they feel stressed, sad or worried at least once a month.

Over a third of parents of children aged 4-11 (34%) worry about their child’s mental health at least once a week.

More than a million parents believe their child could benefit from professional help in the wake of the coronavirus lockdown, a poll from Bernardo’s revealed.

Reading Well for Adults

Reading Well for Adults provides helpful information and support for managing common mental health conditions, or dealing with difficult feelings and experiences, for people living with a long term health condition and their carers, and for people who have a diagnosis of have dementia, are caring for someone with dementia or would like to find out more about the condition.

Some books also include personal stories.

Reading Well for Young Adults

This selection of books for young people comprises expert endorsed books about mental health, providing 13 to 18 year olds with advice and information about issues like anxiety, stress and OCD, and difficult experiences like bullying and exams.

The books have all been recommended by young people and health professionals.