
Harbury Parish Council Seasonal Light Trail

At the end of what has been a difficult year for all of us, the Parish Council has decided to bring a bit of cheer by increasing the festive lighting in the village, and extending it to the end of March, as the Scandinavians do.

On Saturday 5th December the lights were switched on, and, in order help people enjoy the spectacle, a walking trail has been created. The trail is in two sections so that people can enjoy two leisurely strolls, or take in all of the lights in the course of one more energetic walk.

The map below shows the location of both Parish Council and private lights. Red for Parish Council lights. Blue for private lights. Large dots

are where there are multiple Parish Council lights in one location. Apart from the Post Office and Banana Moon, the other big dots are trees.

Map provided by Harbury Parish Coouncil

Details of the two walking trails are given below. The timings are based on a grandparent walking with a grandchild! Printable copies of the Lights Plan and Walking Trails are available to download.

Short Walk - 1.1 miles; approximately 25 minutes

1. Start at Harbury Village Library where you can drop off your local cards in the GASS Christmas Postbox

2. Right into High Street to junction with Chapel Street

3. Left onto Chapel Street, continue to the end

4. At end of Chapel Street turn left into South Parade

5. At the Village Hall turn left and walk along Ivy Lane

6. Turn right at the end into Church Street

7. At the junction turn right and walk along Vicarage Lane

8. Turn left into Frances Road where you can make a donation to Guide Dogs for the Blind

9. Follow the road round into Dovehouse Lane

10. Turn right at the end into Crown Street

11. At the bend turn left into Hall Lane

12. Follow the road round to the left into Church Terrace

13. At the junction turn right into High Street and back to the library

This is the end of the short walk. If you wish to see more of Harbury’s lights continue following the instructions below.

Extended Walk - 1.6 miles; approximately 40 minutes

14. Starting again at Harbury Village Library

15. Turn right into High Street and continue along Mill Street

16. Turn left into Farm Street and continue to Park Lane junction.

17. Cross the road and go along Bush Heath Lane

18. Turn right into Brooks Drive & follow the road round to the end

19. Turn left into Bird Walk

20. At junction cross over the road and go along Hereburgh Way

21. Retrace your steps to Bush Heath Lane

22. Turn right along Bush Heath Lane

23. Turn right into Manor Road

24. Turn right into Park Lane continue to Village Hall

25. Turn left into Ivy Lane

26. If you turn left at the end, this will take you back to the library ... where you can start all over again!

Total Walk - 2.7 miles; approximately 1 hour 5 minutes